Want To Hear Some Good News?

These are dark and challenging times. My thoughts and prayers go out to the world.

That’s why this week, in my tiny corner, I thought I’d share something good. Something uplifting. Something that feels like evidence of a positive return on intentions put out there.

You know that every year on New Year’s Day my family and I create vision boards about what we’d like to manifest in the year ahead. Well, one of my visions was to have my art in a gallery. I’ve not done that before. I had my mind set on a particular gallery and in January thought about what I’d like to create and how I’d approach them. I made my plan and then in looking up their hours to follow through, discovered that, due to the events of COVID, they had closed.


So I got busy making the art, anyway, and continued with the rest of the busyness of my life. In July, an email caught my eye about the “extended deadline” to be part of a gallery exhibit in Alpharetta. I hadn’t seen the first call with the initial deadline. The exhibit is titled, “Let’s Face It!” They called for entries, saying we haven’t seen each other’s faces for a long time and the theme is creating faces. Well painting whimsical women’s faces is my jam!!!! (see my ETSY shop, KeyTo Enchantment, if you’re not familiar with my faces.) https://www.etsy.com/shop/KeytoEnchantment

Up to three entries were allowed so I submitted three to increase my chances. My heart leapt from my chest when the emails came in, one at a time, informing me that all three had been accepted into the exhibit! I am overjoyed. I had done the work and the Universe tapped me on the shoulder with the opportunity. Had I not done the work on the front end, it wouldn't have been ready when the opportunity manifested itself.

So this week I remind you to check to see if the fruits of your labor have bloomed somewhere unexpected.

And if you’re passing through Alpharetta, the exhibit is up until October 15th. Come and check it out. I am truly honored to have my work among such talent.

Let’s Face It: A Portrait Exhibit July 27 - October 15, 2021. The Alpharetta Arts Center, 238 Canton St, Alpharetta, GA 30009, Portraits come from as far away as California and New Hampshire, and as close as Alpharetta. Free to the public. Arts Center Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Friday, 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Saturday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm.

Stay enchanted!


It Starts With You


Paint Color Into Your Life!