It Starts With You

This week has been another rough one. Through all of the challenging themes, I’ve heard people expressing deep feeling words, such as “betrayed,” “lied to,” “misled,” “misinformed,” “overwhelmed,” “disappointed,” “fearful,” “exhausted,” and “hopeless.”

Notice if any of these words resonate with you or if there’s another word, not on the list, that you’ve experienced this week. Now turn your attention to your physical body. Think about your word and notice where you feel constriction. Are your eyebrows knitted, face scowling, shoulders tense and drawn up, breath shallow, stomach knotted or squeezed inward, legs tight, or hands and feet curled?

Take a deep and cleansing breath in and release all of that tension and restriction. Inhale more deeply this time, and state, “I release my feelings of betrayal,” (or your word) and exhale deeply to the ends of your out breath. Do this a few more times.

Then make a list of opposite words to counter the tension-creating, negative words. “Trusting,” “held,” “safe,” “aware,” “calm,” “courageous,” “brave,” “confident,” “capable,” “rested,” “hopeful,” and “supported.” Whatever word you choose, breathe that in deeply like the freshest of air. Exhale stagnant air and again, inhale as if at the beach, in the forest after a rain, or whatever air invigorates your soul. Inhale all that is good and beautiful and exhale all that doesn’t serve the vision of peace and love.

We can’t control the events in Afghanistan, COVID, the economy, or the attitudes of those around us, but we can clear the holy vessel of ourselves. That does make a difference in the world.

Stay enchanted.


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