Safety Tips From Criminals for In-Person Shopping!
I hope you experienced a meaningful and joyful Thanksgiving Day.
Today is Black Friday, which is a fun day to shop for those who enjoy it, but more importantly, it’s a huge day for criminals.
I don’t say this to scare you. You already know you must stay alert, but you may not be aware of some of the more subtle things.
My first internship as a therapist took place in a lockdown facility for hardcore heroine, cocaine and PCP users who were on parole. I often laugh at the thought that they nicknamed me Dr. Cinderella. I didn’t even have my Ph.D. then and I was closer to being Cinderella than I am now. They were a tough crew of people but understood my desire to help them and often shared tips from the criminal mind to help protect me. I am forever grateful.
One of the things they talked about, when people go shopping in general, not only on Black Friday when I’m sure it’s much worse, is that the shoppers are so focused on the merchandise, etc. that they rarely pay attention to their purses or surroundings. Pickpockets are real. Don’t wear expensive clothing or flashy jewelry while shopping.
Also, they told me to never leave mail in the car. They can see your address and already know that you’re not home. In addition, they warned not to leave mail in the mailbox. Identity theft is no joke. I was surprised, too, by all of the things that other people can learn from your mail besides who you are, such as what hobbies you’re interested in, what catalogs you receive, what causes you support, etc. They are profiling us! I thought about ordering Bowhunter Magazine and a Winchester 94 catalog as a deterrent.
Back to shopping in person, don’t carry loads of packages. Keep one hand free and don’t let your purse go behind you. Thieves can cut the strap and snatch your purse without your awareness. That did happen to me when I lived in NYC. Thankfully, someone had advised me to keep my keys separate from my purse so the criminal wouldn’t get my purse with my wallet and identification AND my keys to my car and home, etc.
Don’t take your credit card out to pay until you are at the register and keep it close to you. Wandering eyes, and worse, someone silently taking a screenshot of it, can be dangerous.
Stay aware and if your body signals you that something is wrong or off, don’t stick around for confirmation. Trust it and leave the area. Be mindful when walking to your car of who else is walking out or in. Don’t let yourself be distracted by what could be tag-team people. One well-dressed person bumps into you and distracts you while another grabs your purse or keys or packages, etc. Oh, keep the receipts in your wallet, separate from the packages. I’ve been told that they wait for the packages to be put into the trunk or in the car while the person returns to shop. The bad guys break into the car and return the merchandise, sometimes for cash or store credit.
Once in your car, don’t sit there to talk on your phone. Drive away. If you think someone is following you, don’t go home and, instead, drive to the nearest police station.
Cyber Monday has its own set of rules for being safe!
Be mindful and stay enchanted.