How Can You Lighten Your Load on the Journey?

First off, Team Enchantment and I were THRILLED at the response to your WOTYs! So many of you shared your wonderful words. A sampling includes kind, energy, enough, resilient, calm, peaceful, connected, comfort, fierce. We all inspire each other. Thank you.

This week, I’m offering a short but sweet and powerful prompt.

We are one month into the new year. Check in with yourself and see how you are feeling.

All the way down to your core.

What is one piece of baggage that you’d like to release on your journey so you’re not lugging it around anymore, letting it weigh you down?

It may be a thought, a belief, a relationship, a habit that doesn’t serve you…anything. Consider what you can do to shift it to align with your best self in body, mind, spirit, and emotions. 

Lighten your load on the journey and stay enchanted!


​Don’t Part On Angry Words


Do You Have Your WOTY?