Do You Have Your WOTY?

Do you have your WOTY yet? Do you know what a WOTY is?

It’s your Word Of The Year.

Many people, from artists to writers to just mainstream everybodys choose a word each year that becomes an anchor, a handle, a haven that they use to return to their focus throughout the year.

I make a piece of art that I hang in my creative space that represents that word with images, and I start the morning by looking at it for inspirationask. At bedtime I ask myself if I’ve lived that focus each day. One year it was FREEDOM and I filled the page with winged creatures. Another year it was DISCOVERY, and another, COMPASSION.

You can quiet yourself and choose the word, but often, the word kind of chooses you. My word this year seems to be PERMISSION. I didn’t really fancy that word because it seemed neither enchanting nor inspiring at first. But it’s what kept coming up.

In exploring the word further, I’ve realized that it’s not intended for permission from others. It’s PER ME sion. PER MISSION. It’s granting myself permission to speak my truth, own my beliefs, take a nap if I need to, get up at 6am to write if I’m moved to, or paint past midnight. Say NO if that feels right. As a disciplined person, permission means expanding the boundaries and sometimes breaking my own rules and structures. For me, this seems to be the year for that.

If I find myself in a rut or want to take a chance and do something big out of my comfort zone or experiment with a new wall color, or do my part toward world peace…I have my permission.

So what’s your WOTY? What do you want this year to be about for you?

As always, Team Enchantment loves to hear from you and how your word will inspire your year.

Stay enchanted!

If you'd like to order a print of COMPASSION or other pieces as prints or greeting cards, visit my ETSY shop, (Terry Segal Key To Enchantment) Choose an image and I can custom-make it with your word!


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