What Is Your Dream?

The countdown to the ball dropping at the New Year just occurred and yet here we are, already having arrived at Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend. We are all familiar with Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream,” speech that was delivered on August 28, 1963 on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

I had actually had never read or listened to it in its entirety until this week. There’s a link, below, if you would like to do that. His message was an important one. It arose from the passion he felt deep in his heart. 

This weekend, take a few moments to use the Enchanted Key to Meditation and think about your own dream. What is it? It may not feel like a lofty dream for the world, although it very likely will change the world if you choose to live it.

Each of us has a deep calling, a Higher purpose, of which we may or may not be conscious. The more conscious we are, the more aligned our chosen actions can be.

If you become a living example of someone who has the courage to live your life through mindful intention, as you share the food you make with others, offer a pleasant demeanor or kind word, share your creative talent, respond to someone in need, hold a vision of peace and connection across humanity and the animal world, then you are a messenger, a Divine spark of the Highest Source there is.

So what is your dream? What is one small action you can take this week to make it manifest in this world?

Take a moment to think about it and stay enchanted.



Do You Have Your WOTY?


​Are You Consciously Practicing Neuroentrainment?