Beware of the Wind and Close Your Body’s Gates!

As the autumn breezes turn to wind that swirls the leaves, protect your energy by closing your body’s gates.

In the Ling Shu, or Spiritual Pivot, a classic Chinese medical text, wind is viewed as a negative influence, especially when combined with dampness and cold. In the text is a quote, “The sages avoided the winds like avoiding arrows and stones.”

Research suggests that our parents and grandparents were wise to tell us to wrap scarves around our necks in the wind and to protect our backs from the wind and cold. Hats are important defenders, too, because 80% of our body heat escapes from our heads.

Apparently there are three wind points on the neck called Wind Pool, Wind Palace and Wind Gate, to mirror their function. The immune system is our line of defense but for instance, it can get bypassed by soggy dampness that can pool there, become stagnant, or blow past the gates, in a wind attack. Artificial wind attacks can occur from sitting in a drafty, air conditioned room.

So we’re not at the mercy of Mother Nature’s unexpected winds, there are things to do with five basic entry points that can allow wind to enter and precious life force to exit.

Energy healer, Prune Harris, who lives in windy Cornwall, England, shows us how to massage those points in a figure eight to close the gate. I’m sending you on a 4-minute journey away from my site to watch a how-to video by Prune, because this information is so important.

But please return, keep warm and protected, and stay enchanted.


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