Kitchen Scissors-Your New Best Friend

I know you’re expecting me to remind you not to take your immune system down with too much candy consumption this Halloween weekend and beyond BUT, the focus this week is on something else.

Kitchen Scissors! Your body, mind, and spirit can be nourished when you find tricks and tools to make life easier.

There are several ways to use your kitchen scissors.

1-Opening annoying plastic packaging.

2-The center on some scissors has a grippy circle with which to open jar lids, screw caps, or bottle tops.

3-To cutting poultry into pieces.

4-Snipping herbs from the garden and then onto your food. Knives can bruise delicate herbs, such as basil, whose leaves can be rolled together like a cigar (“chiffonade” style) and snipped into circles for garnish with scissors.

5-Slice pizza if you don’t have a pizza cutter handy.

6-Cut quesadillas into perfect triangles.

7-Snip cooked bacon/turkey bacon into small pieces.

8-Use a knife to slice long strips of vegetables such as zucchini, squash, cucumber, peppers, and then snip them into small pieces. Green beans are easy when you snip off the ends and then, over a bowl, scissor them into the size you desire.

9-After the vegetables, you can cut strips and then chunks of raw chicken, turkey, beef, or fish, to make uniform stir-fry pieces. Wash scissors in hot, soapy water before using again.

10-Shrimp shells can be snipped by inserting the scissors end to tail and then after pulling off the shell, snip to de-vein. Wash scissors.

11-If you have canned tomatoes you wish to chop, leave them in the can and put the scissors in and cut away.

12-After spraying your (hopefully organic) grapes with fruit/veg wash and drying them, snip them into bunches.

13-Make a salad of greens and put the scissors into the bowl and snip away before adding the garnishes, nuts, seeds and croutons. (I open the large containers of spinach and kale when I get home and snip inside the whole container so it’s ready to go!)

14-Trim dough off the edges of pies.

15-Cut strips of dough for rugelach, instead of using a knife which can tear it.

16- The inner circle can crack nuts, shells, and even lobster shells.

17-Great for kids or you, waffles can be cut into strips or shapes, like pumpkins or hearts, etc. Put a cookie cutter on it and cut around the shape.

18-MY FAVORITE TIP: Use cookie cutters to press shape on to pita bread and cut out scarecrows, ghosts, or pumpkins, toast on a tray, and float on top of red pepper or pumpkin soup!

Have fun this weekend, be safe, and remember to stay enchanted!

No copyright infringement is intended in the use of this photo of Edward Scissorhands.


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