“What other people think of you is none of your business?” (or is it?)

Have you ever heard the quote, “What other people think of you is none of your business?” Several people from Ru Paul and Wayne Dyer, to Eleanor Roosevelt are credited with originally saying this, or a similar version.

Meanwhile, it’s typically used to encourage people to simply own who they are and not try to chameleon themselves in order to manipulate others to feel a particular way about them. In other words, live your life knowing that others will form opinions about you and that has nothing to do with you.

BUT, I was thinking that the world might actually become a better place if we cared a bit more about how we’re viewed and put our best foot forward! If you’re known as the guy who racks up a beer tab and disappears without paying your share, you might want to change that. Maybe you're the friend who's generous but also complains about everyone and everything.

Beyond being described by, let’s say, your curly hair (if I wear a hat, my own family members bypass me on the street) or other physical characteristics, I invite you to take a few moments this weekend to think about your personality traits or behaviors that others might use in describing you.

Are you the person who brightens the room with your smile? Maybe you’re the one who loves dogs or brings a cupcake on a friend’s birthday. Who are you? And more importantly, who do you want to be?

Think about how you’d like the world to see you and authentically align yourself with that. Then when you hear others’ opinions of you, it might just make you feel really good inside. Choose well and stay enchanted!


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