What Gifts Will You Give?

Today is the official start of the holiday shopping for many. For those of us celebrating Chanukah, we had best already have our shopping done, because this year Chanukah begins this Sunday, the 28th, at sundown. It begins on a different day on the Gregorian calendar each year, but on the Hebrew calendar, which follows the lunar cycle, it’s actually always on the 25th day of Kislev.

Anyway, whatever holidays you celebrate, gift-giving seems to be a common theme. This year, however, with many empty shelves in stores and prices higher than they’ve been in a long time, maybe the types of gifts you will give may take a more creative turn.

Instead of things, maybe you will give experiences. You can buy a special cookie tin but then spend the day with a loved one baking cookies to put in it. Go to a craft store with your kids and have each one pick out inexpensive items and do-dads to create a winter village together. Go on a special hike. Teach a loved one how to knit. Spending time and making memories last longer than anything manufactured in a warehouse.

Our youngest daughter, who is 5 1/2 months pregnant, joked that she and her husband and their 2 year-old daughter would be gifting all of us with pasta necklaces this year. No problem! We look forward to receiving them.

My husband, who will wear his pasta necklace proudly, asked our daughter if she’d also gift us by playing her violin for us. She began playing when she was four years old and continued through college. With the responsibilities of work and motherhood, she has not played as often as she’d like. Her 6 month old niece has not yet heard her play. This will be a precious gift for all of us.

So think about what gifts of hand and heart you might give this holiday season. Those gifts are truly priceless.

Stay enchanted!


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