Have You Done Your Fall Cleaning?

Fall Cleaning you say? Yes! Everyone thinks of spring cleaning as a thing but, actually, fall cleaning makes more sense.

With spring cleaning, after a long winter of being indoors with windows closed, as soon as the temperatures rise enough to take off our coats, scarves and gloves, we throw open the windows, just in time to invite a thick, yellow coating of pollen to cover everything. We’d be wise to wait until all has bloomed.

We’d also be wise to do a full fall cleaning in preparation to close the doors and windows after all of the dust, desiccated leaf particles, sand, and summer soil from the garden has been swept out. It’s important during the winter months to breathe purified air, especially these days! Many of you already clean house for the holidays, but maybe one of the changes you’ll make in 2022 will be to do spring cleaning toward the middle of spring and add in fall cleaning as well.

Here’s to good health!

Stay enchanted.


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