We All Need to Scan and Plan!

October? Really? How?

Dear Enchanted Journeyer,

I’m bringing to you what I hear with my ear to the ground and my eyes on the stars. “Shortage” seems to be the buzzword for this winter. Perhaps manipulated…maybe not, but it seems like another challenge to deal with, whether it relates to food, supplies, or gifts for the holidays.

Last year at this time I did what I call “Apocalyptic Grocery Shopping,” and just did it again two weeks ago. In the Aesop Fable, The Ant and the Grasshopper, the latter frolicked while the Ant stored food for the winter. When winter came, the Ant was comfortable; the Grasshopper, not so.

While you can, stock up on staples that have a longer shelf-life, such as canned beans, tomatoes, tuna, as well as brown or wild rices, and bone broths. Think, some sources of protein, canned or frozen, vegetables, and some starches, and fruit, like frozen berries. Some people have an extra freezer that can be useful for this. Of course I urge you to choose organic. It truly makes a difference. Glyphosate and other toxic chemicals in our foods is so detrimental to health.

Maybe double order supplements you take so you have enough to get you through a three to four month period. The same goes for what you need for your pets.

Stocking up is not the same as hoarding, mind you. I’m not promoting a repeat of the early COVID toilet paper debacle. But take inventory of what you need and plan ahead.

I’ve heard that shipping delays are to be expected so consider your holiday gift list and get a head start.

These steps of taking inventory, planning, and prepping can greatly reduce anxiety and keep the Dragons of Stress at bay.

Get busy but remember to stay enchanted!


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