Mercury Retrograde: A Time To Re-group

What Is Mercury Retrograde?

I’ve talked to you about Mercury Retrograde in the past, but we’re poised to experience another one beginning on September 27th, until it goes direct on October 18th. We usually feel the effects about five days prior and five days after, when it clears its shadow. Astrologers urge us to pay attention to the planetary configurations, because what happens above also happens below, which is where we are.

The planets all are direct and then have periods of time, in varying lengths, in which they are retrograde. Going backwards is an illusion. Really, they are just rotating more slowly. It’s like when you’re at a red light and the car next to you rolls backward and you think you are moving.

Usually three times a year, for about three and a half weeks each time the Dragons come out to play and Mercury is retrograde. It actually occurs every 88 days. Astrologers remind us that things begun on a Mercury Retrograde will, undoubtedly, have to be redone, revamped, revisited, all the words that begin with “re.”

It’s the Murphy’s law of the Universe. Things that normally take ten minutes take an hour and ten minutes. Appliances and communication break down. Glitches in all kinds of systems abound. It’s best not to start new projects on a Mercury Retrograde. This is a period of introspection and completion of old tasks.

It’s Not a Good Time To…

Kari Samuels, Intuitive Astrologer, states that traditionally it’s not a good time to sign contracts, buy electronics, appliances, or cars because our minds actually change during these periods. Sometimes, of course, you have to, so in those instances make sure you have a return policy or an alternate plan.

It’s a Good Time To…

Mercury Retrograde is a perfect time, however, to slow down, get grounded in the present moment and regroup. It’s the time to review, reorganize, and repair all those things that you shoved away for “later.” Later is now.

It’s a very frustrating time if you try to oppose the energies. Relax (another “re” word) into it and leave extra space in your schedule as a way to nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Back up your computer and check your cell phone.

Mark Your Calendar For Next Year!

This is the last Mercury Retrograde for 2021. I always put it on my calendar for the year so I can plan. Some years, like 2022, have Mercury in Retrograde four times. So here are the dates so the Dragons don’t catch you off guard.


Jan. 15-Feb. 5

May 11-June 2

Sept. 11-Sept. 30

Dec. 31-Jan. 12, 2023

Take some time to see what buttons need reattaching, what needs reviewing, and what loose ends need to be re-tied.

Rest, restore, re-set and re-enchant!


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