​Make a Rubbing Once, Hammer Once

You know how when you get a haircut you notice everyone else’s hair? Well it seems as if everyone has mentioned to me that they’ve been wanting to hang framed photographs or pieces of art on their walls since I mentioned my husband’s break room in which I hung several framed photographs! Well I have some tips for you that I shared with them.

These tips can not only save you time and spare you aggravation, but keep you from hammering 15 holes in the wall for each one in the correct place. Here’s how it goes:

1-Arrange your frames on the floor in the configuration in which you would like them.

2-Take newspaper, or computer paper for a cleaner experience, and with the side edge of a crayon or pencil point, make a rubbing of the back of the frame, being sure to include any holes or hooks, etc.

3-Lightly tape these various pieces of paper to the wall, with the rubbings facing you, until they are in an arrangement that pleases you. (It’s much easier to move pieces of paper around than to try and hold up frames with glass or large canvases.)

4-Mark the wall where the holes, hooks, or apex of a frame’s wire is. You can use a pencil or even hammer right into the spot gently and remove the paper.

5-Hang your photo or artwork on your walls.

Have an easy peasy time of it and remember to stay enchanted!


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