Angels Are All Around Us

Do you know that angels are all around us? They show up in the form of synchronicities, unexpected circumstances that take us into situations and places we didn’t expect to find ourselves, and have us meet people that become important in our lives. Sometimes they leave “charms” in the physical world or put up a billboard with a message that answers our internal questions. They are certainly creative.

Last week I was being nostalgic about the first time I had a panic attack. I was in my 20’s, living alone in New York City. That, by itself, is a justified reason for a panic attack. But I had been fine, even after I had witnessed a shadowy figure climb the fire escape outside of my apartment window and leap to a nearby rooftop.

But the panic attack happened when I went to see what all the fuss was about at the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at Rockefeller Center. Being a Chanukah reveler, it was a highly unusual event for me to attend, but it was my first December in New York, everyone was talking about it, and it wasn’t far at all from my apartment.

I don’t like to be in crowds of people, but this gave “crowds of people” a whole new definition. It was back-in-the-day, and while there was certainly police presence, there were no barricades or monitoring of crowd control.

In the moments leading up to the lighting of the 80 foot tall tree, I became aware of being pushed around and moved by the growing numbers of people. Suddenly feeling like I was part of a herd, I feared a stampede. So many were crushing into me from all angles that my heart was racing and my mind, exploding with fearful thoughts.

My winter coat was suffocating me and I had no air to breathe. My screams were being drowned out by the countdown to the lighting. Crying, I tilted my head upward to imagine breathing into the space where air hovered above me.

A tall man moved up beside me and asked what was wrong. I gasped as I told him that I couldn’t breathe and even though I was 22 years old, felt like I was having a heart attack. I just wanted to get out of the throng of people.

The next thing I knew, he just effortlessly lifted me up like a child, and began to run with me to the outer edges of the cheering mob. The tree was lit as he lowered me down, feet to the pavement. I thanked him profusely as he told me to bend slightly at the waist, head tilted down, to catch my breath. I drew in a few deep breaths and lifted my head up to express my gratitude, again, but he was gone. I looked in all directions and he was nowhere to be seen.

Stunned, I thought it was like every Hallmark movie that featured an angel rescue, but there was no doubt in my mind that that was exactly what had happened. I walked back to my apartment with wobbly knees and never attended the lighting again.

To this day, I am grateful for the rescue and honored to call upon the angels to assist me as I work with others. It’s so comforting to me to remember that we are not alone.

During this holiday season and in all seasons, watch for signs of help from these messengers of God.

And stay enchanted.


Help Light the World!


Do You Wait Until the Last Minute?