A Touchstone of Connection

After we honor the dark memories of our history on the anniversary of 9/11, and over these next few weeks, as we transition from Summer to Autumn and digest all that is going on in the world, the things that nourish our minds, bodies, and souls, need to be very simple things. They are simple, but powerful and important, nonetheless. Last week we updated our screen savers to see images that bring us joy.

This week, it’s about connection. My husband is my best friend and, even though we’re both working from home now, schedules can have us running in different directions. What a surprise I received when I got an email from him with a short video of a lunar eclipse. We’re not set to have one just now, but he knows that I love the moon and thought he’d send me the beautiful video. It only took 36 seconds for me to be transported to the majesty of the moon. Ahh.

So after experiencing the reverence of this weekend, I invite you to reach out to one or two dear friends or loved ones with whom you wish to connect. Let it be about love. If they’re dog people, send them a sweet or funny image of a dog. If they love hummingbirds, find a photo of a cool, ruby-throated hummingbird and send it along with the words, “This made me think of you and smile.” It won’t take long but it will go a long way toward healing and nourishing each of your respective souls.

From the prayer book, Mishkan T’filah, there's a writing by Rabbi Richard Levy. It opens with the words, “It is hard to sing of oneness when the world is not complete.” Later on in the memorial prayer are his words, “We do best homage to our dead when we live our lives more fully, even in the shadow of our loss."

Keep moving forward and stay enchanted.


It’s Time for the Autumn Self-Gift Registry!


Is Your Screen Saver a Soul Saver?