The 2022 Enchanted Journey Calendar is ready to order!

I always meditate on what images and themes wish to be expressed on my calendars. Sometimes it has been whimsical women’s faces, another time it was home, and yet another, Fairy Houses. As those of you who bought the 2021 calendar know, the theme was Angels.

For 2022, I had created three paintings already when the guidance switched to mandalas as circles of life. The whisperings spoke of people needing color but softer hues, and simple images that have a nostalgic quality.

Each month is represented by the coordinating number of circles, such as one for January, as the first month of the year, and two for February, as the second month, etc. April, for example, has four circles with frogs in them while May, has five circles with a daisy in each.

There’s something comforting in the images, to me, and having them inside of the circles provides a container. We all need to feel that bubble of protection and safety inside of a container during these times.

There are inspiring prompts for each month that invite you to stay enchanted all year and, of course, the vibrant, bold colors in the icons that inspire you to celebrate the journey throughout the year.

I challenge you to create a year that’s informed by your highest dreams. Consider what nourishes your soul, what you’d like to achieve, and who you’d like to become.

Whatever you choose, stay enchanted!

If you’d like to purchase a 2022 Enchanted Journey Calendar, above is the link to my ETSY shop, KeyToEnchantment.


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