Please Don’t Spit on My Cake!

For those of you who own an Enchanted Journey Calendar that comes out each year, you know that my birthday is this Sunday. (It says Enchantress Birthday.) I did it as a joke the first year and have had so much lovely feedback that I’ve left it on each year.

If you’ve been an Enchanted Journeyer for awhile, you also know that in our family, we celebrate four birthdays in a two week period in the summer. Each has his/her own special day.

Having had the first of them last week, I came up with the idea to use a small candle holder with one WISH TO GROW ON candle in it! Last year, when COVID changed the way we do many things, I made a single cupcake for the birthday candle blowers, in addition to the cake, as not to have them spew their germs across the cake that everyone eats.

Why did it take COVID to break the long-standing tradition of having the birthday boy or girl spray spittle all over the cake??? Now I put a sparkler in the cake (light and fanfare with no blowing on the cake required.) The candle is separate and no cake is contaminated in the process.

So don’t let anyone spit on your cake and when it’s your birthday, set a candle aside and make good wishes!


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