Is the Lemmejust Dragon at Your House?

You almost didn’t receive a newsletter today because the Lemmejust Dragon had a strangle hold on me! Is there a Lemmejust Dragon at your house too? This is the Dragon that disrupts your life with everything else that has to be done ahead of the list of things you had planned for yourself.

You may think that you’ll do some yoga, paint a picture, take a walk, write a newsletter, etc. before you go grocery shopping but the Dragon enters and makes you say, Let me (Lemme) JUST…(fill in the blank) do the dishes first. Then you realize the sweater you were going to wear is in the washing machine because you never put your clothes in the dryer. So you think…Lemmejust put everything in the dryer and while it’s drying, lemmejust clean out the refrigerator so when I go grocery shopping it will be all clean. But when you get involved with that, it takes longer than you thought and you forget the dryer beeped and you think, lemmejust make the grocery list…

You get it. The first step to getting yourself back in alignment is to recognize that the Lemmejust Dragon has taken control of you. And just stop. STOP. Stop what you’re doing and thinking and feeling, and BREATHE.

Then breathe again.


Then take an action, mindfully, that you wish to take.

Everyone’s energy is so revved up right now that we have to consciously slow it down. Balance between work and play seems challenging. According to astrologer, Pam Younghans, the Aries Full Moon approaching this Sunday, also called the Hunter’s Moon, may highlight “important relationship or financial issues for us to work with, as we unearth insecurities or fears that are needing to be healed.”

So breathe, quiet yourself, and intentionally consider your connection to those issues. Don’t let the Lemmejust Dragon pull your attention away.

And always stay enchanted.


Where Will You Put Your Time and Energy?


Perception Is Everything