How and Who Do You Want To Be In 2022?

Somehow, here we are at the last day of 2021. Before we look ahead, let’s take a moment to reflect on the year that has just blurred by. Quiet yourself and use the Enchanted Keys to Mindfulness and Journaling. Then ask yourself, “What did 2021 teach me?” Bullet point all of the things it taught you.

Next, write down, “Having learned what it taught me, how am I changed in who I am, what I believe and how I behave?” List the changes you observe in yourself.

Then, looking ahead to the new year, consider, “How and who do you I want to be and what do I want to do in 2022?”

You’ll have created a blueprint, or an intention sheet, simply by taking a few moments to ponder and respond to those questions. You might discuss with loved ones and share answers to help stay on track.

Whatever you discover, remember to make healthy choices, strive to be happy, and always stay enchanted.

Big hugs for your wellbeing to last all year long. Happy 2022!


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