Clear the Holy Vessel of Your Body, Mind, and Soul
This has been another of those rough weeks. We can fall under the spell of believing that there is no container but our bodies, minds, and souls for our fears, our sad and angry feelings, or our loss of hope.
Remember, there are forces greater than ourselves at work. For every dark energy, there is a powerful, abundant light one. It’s up to us which we call in.
Align yourself with the light. Clear the holy vessel of your body, mind, and spirit by gathering the negativity within yourself and releasing it regularly. The angels, when asked, are happy to cart it away and transmute it into something beautiful. Then take actions, in thoughts, words, and deeds that are aligned with love.
I share one of my poems with you, today, that I believe is needed.
Meet the Morning
Rise into each day gently.
Whether awakened from the trumpet of angels
Or the mechanical call to action,
Transition from God breathing you
To you breathing God.
Be like the four-leggeds.
Stretch in both directions,
Shaking the sleep
From your muscles and bones.
Wipe the remnants of moonbeams
From the corners of your eyes.
Brush the coat of quiet off your tongue,
Making way for words to flow out sweetly.
Be also like the sun.
Move from the veiled darkness to light;
Adding shades of color
As you adorn yourself for the day.
And awaken.
You are blessed.
Bless the day with gratitude.