Host a Long-Distance Scavenger Hunt!

Many of us don’t get to see our long-distance friends and family nearly as often as we’d like. Here’s an activity you can do together/apart over this long Labor Day weekend. It’s a scavenger hunt!

Here’s how:

1-Make a list of 20-30 items, with each of you contributing half.

2-Create and share the complete list.

3-Set out and as you discover the items on the list, rather than collect them, simply photograph them with your phone or camera.

4-Document where you found each item.

5-After you each have completed the list, send the photos to each other.

6-Have fun discussing your finds.

7-Keep them in a digital photo journal book or print them out to put in a small album of adventures.

This activity will put you in tune with the joy of connection and discovery of the beauty all around.

Have fun, be safe, and stay enchanted!


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