It’s WOTY Time!

Happy New Year.

It’s time to select your WOTY again!

That’s your Word Of The Year.

What word will it be that will serve as a beacon of light for you throughout this new year? Ponder your selection for a couple of days before you definitively decide. Write down your WOTY and put it in a prominent place to remind you of it, daily. Make a piece of art around your WOTY or use it as your screen saver.

My word this year is EXPANSIVENESS. My intention is to expand my creativity and inspiration. For example, I have a repertoire of several meals to cook each week and for special occasions, but I’m all about expanding the menu and trying new recipes and foods. Special event desserts are taking on a new challenge as I move from anti-gravity cakes to the kind that cascade treats from the inside when sliced. I’d like to visit different parks and walking trails, expand my ETSY shop, and dare myself to think big.

Even the word, EXPANSIVENESS, feels like a deep breath of fresh air.


Team Enchantment loves to hear from you and how your word will inspire your year.

Stay enchanted!


A Hot Chocolate Bar to Warm You in the Winter!


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