Enchanted Art Gallery
Butterfly Woman
Making art stirs my soul!
What joy there is in creating something special for someone. The endless possibilities of combining acrylics, watercolor paints, Prismacolor pencils, stencils, stamps, ephemera, paper, beads, buttons, and glitter inspire my mixed-media art.
I have an affinity for whimsical women’s faces, be they divine or earthy, and for creating Judaic art that celebrates the Shekinah, or Divine Feminine.
Every mixed media piece carries a message of inspiration, healing, or joy. Each woman’s face becomes like a dear friend, encouraging you to heal, laugh, or stay strong, The art becomes one-of-a-kind, just like you, or the person who receives it as a gift from you..
You choose the face.
Pair it with a message or quote of your choice
and it will be added into the art piece.
And then there are GREETING CARDS!
Greeting Cards are a treasured part of our past that I believe is needed in these times. Women send greeting cards to one another and buy special ones for themselves. Cards are small works of art that can be clipped to a board, kept on the nightstand, or framed on your desk. Each card is a hug waiting to be sent or received.
“Art inspires breath which is the ahh, the haha and the aha! of life.”
*Watermark will not appear on printed images
Beloved artists/teachers include Jane Davenport and Tamara Laporte.
Butterfly Woman was created in the style of Tamara Laporte of Willowing Arts.