​How Do You Make Decisions?

How do you make important decisions in your life? Do you survey everyone in your circle of family and friends and then decide? Do you impulsively decide and then ask others their opinions to confirm yours? Do you procrastinate, often forcing the decision to be made by other people or circumstances? Maybe you meditate and let the answer percolate before you take action. Are you one who asks to “sleep on it?”

I looked up the origins of sleeping on a decision and found that it dates back to the 1500s. An early example can be found in the State Paper of Henry VIII (1519): “His Grace… sayd that the wold slepe and drem upon the matter.” We all know how his decisions turned out so maybe we need to do a bit more.

Sleeping on a decision, however, allows a fresh perspective after a night’s restorative rest. It also invites unconscious material to surface in the form of dreams or inspiration. In these days of impatience and instant gratification in communications, we can feel pressured to respond immediately. Have you felt that stress? You don’t have to. You can set your response time.

There are so many decisions to be made every day, all day, that our brains are overworked and stressed from toggling back and forth. Should I or shouldn’t I? When overwhelmed, we tend to want to drop everything and fall through a trap door in the floor. Therein lies the Pit of Negativity and the Dungeon of Doom.

When you have an important decision to make, beyond whether you want a latte or a Cappuccino, take a deep breath, exhale, release tension in your physical body, and slow time down. Respond with a phrase such as, “This is an important decision. Let me sleep on it,” or “let me get back to you by the end of the day/week/month,” etc.

Rather than jumping into the pressure cooker and turning up the heat, breathe. Breathe deeply and slowly. At the top of your inhale, hold your breath gently for a count of four, and then exhale slowly. Place your hand on your belly for your gut’s wisdom and ask the question: “How will this impact me if I…(fill in the blank.) Then ask, “How will it impact me if I don’t…(fill in the blank.) Listen for the answer.

Move your hand up to your heart and ask again. Observe whether your heart is in it or not. Then place your hand on your forehead and ask. See whether it makes sense in your life. Finally, place your hand on the top of your head and ask for greater guidance from your Divine Source.

Once you’ve made your decision, notice whether your body feels expansive or constricted. If constricted, explore again with your new questions, until there is alignment with your body, mind, spirit, and emotions.

Stay enchanted!


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A Yummy Potato Salad!