Create A Respite That Supports Good Health

I want to share that my husband’s Father’s Day office and break room makeover reveal was awesome! He just loves it and I am so happy that he can work in a beautiful and organized environment and also have a place for respite in these relentless times.

After 25 years in this home, putting three kids through college, maneuvering through three weddings and now being blessed with four grandchildren, it’s time to focus on ourselves a bit. It’s important to nurture yourself and it also restores your spirit so that you have more for others.

That brings us to the healthy decision to put in hardwood floors upstairs. These days, wall-to-wall carpeting is viewed by many healthcare practitioners as unsanitary, as they can host pests, trap dust and allergens, and moisture deep below the surface. Hardwoods that are natural wood can be nailed and don’t require any glue or toxic substances.

I knew that we would have to move every single thing off the floors in every room, including the closets that still held my mother’s, father’s, and grandparents’ keepsakes, in addition to all of the stuff left in our kids’ rooms when they moved into their own homes.

What I didn’t quite realize, is the depth of what it takes to touch each item that has been invited or allowed into your home and then make a decision about it. It’s like moving but back into your own house.

I heard a commercial for BEHR paints that says, “If you don’t repaint every now and then, it’s like the old you is still hanging around.” Wow. That’s how it felt. I opened some boxes of precious things that didn’t seem so precious now. Some items were too tattered to save, others just didn’t matter anymore and I was able to let them go. I am not through the process but I don’t want to put anything back in the rooms that doesn’t align with what matters to me now. It must be loved or serve a purpose, and I think Marie Kondo would be proud.

As I toil to earn Enchanted Key #5 to Reduced Clutter, I invite you to take a look, with fresh eyes, to some corner of your home in which you can carve out a niche in which to nourish your soul. Not only is it necessary, but it’s just what the doctor ordered.

Be mindful to care for yourself and stay enchanted.


​Make a Rubbing Once, Hammer Once


Freedom Is a State of Mind